Saturday, May 1, 2010

Hello Family!

Welcome to our blog
A place to share our photos, stories, and our memories.
My name is Elaine DiPietrantonio and I am a 5th generation McCormick/Sheehan (according to our family tree). My Mother is Joan McCormick DeGiammatteo. A few months back my Mom gave me a letter written to her sister Kathleen McCormick Grassa from her cousin Jimmy McCormick telling her the Sheehans were working on their family tree and would love an update from the McCormick side of the family. I asked to be included in the emails that were being sent and I am amazed at all of the information that has been shared.
I can't tell you how excited and overwhelmed I was to see a photo of my Great Grandfather Patrick Joseph McCormick.
I have posted some wonderful photos please take a minute to look at the slide show to the left they are amazing! Also click on McCormick Sheehan Family tree under pages listing 7 generations of descendants. There are more photos and I will be adding them shortly.
I labeled the photos but I don't know who everyone is. If you know who is in a photo and the date please let me know and I will update the labels. Send me an email  if you have photos or some memorabilia you would like to share or if you would like to contribute to the blog as an author. 

Become a follower and most importantly subscribe to the blog and you will always be notified when there is a new post.  You can also sign up for email notifications.
Thanks for stopping by!

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